For Parents

APS has compiled a number of resources to help keep students' minds engaged and learning. Visit our For Students page to review and access these resources.

The resources on our For Students page can be helpful to keep students' minds engaged and learning during this crisis. However, APS is not assigning or requiring the use of any of these sites or activities. Also, APS is not responsible for the content on any of these linked sites.

Community Wi-Fi Locations

Online Gradebook for Students & Families

Our new Synergy online grading system is being configured. Logins for parents and students are being reset. New login information will be distributed in mid-September.

The Synergy Student VUE and ParentVUE systems allows students and parents secure access to information about grades, assignments, and attendance as well as instructional resources to help support student success.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are our StudentVUE and ParentVUE passwords?
A: The Synergy system generates a new user registration key which we will distribute to families. Each family should receive a copy of those letters, which includes login information.

Q: What's my username for the StudentVUE or ParentVUE system?
A: You will set your own username and password to access these systems. Once you receive your registration key, follow the included instructions to set up your account.

Q: What if I forget my password?
A: The login screen includes a link to follow for help to reset your password if you forget.

Q: Who can access the Synergy StudentVUE and ParentVUE systems?
A: Students and parents from any APS school may log on using the username and password they set up.

Q: What about students in grades K-2?
A: Students in the early elementary years do not receive traditional letter grades until 3rd grade. The types of records gathered by teachers in grades K-2 are not usually helpful to parents in the same way records of grades and assignments might be. If you are parent of a child in K-2 and have a concern about your child's progress, it's best to speak to the teacher directly. You may access ParentVUE online, but you'll get much more helpful information about your young child's learning through one-on-one conversation.

Q: Do students and parents get different passwords? What about separated/divorced families?
A: Our system generates usernames and passwords for each individual user. We ask separate families to help by sharing information as appropriate for the benefit of the student.

Q: Is ParentVUE or StudentVUE information secure?
A: Yes. No one except your student's teacher(s) or other authorized official (like a building secretary helping with attendance), can access or change this information. Your gradebook information is as secure as your username and password, so do not share login information with anyone.

Thank you! APS always appreciates your support!

Parent Involvement in the School Program

View parent involvement policies for our Title I schools

The Board of Education believes that durable and significant learning by a student is more likely to occur when there is an effective partnership between the school and the student’s parents/guardians ("parents"). Such a partnership means a mutual belief in and commitment to significant educational goals for a student, a plan for the means to accomplish those goals, cooperation on developing and implementing solutions to problems that may be encountered, and continuing communication regarding the progress in accomplishing the goal(s). To this end, parents should be meaningfully involved in:

A. developing and implementing appropriate strategies for helping their child achieve the learning objectives that lead to accomplishing the learning outcomes;

B. providing a school and home environment which encourages learning and augments, at home, the learning experiences provided by the school;

C. establishing the learning outcomes for their child with the goal of developing a responsible, adult member of society;

D. establishing and supporting a consistent and shared approach to child guidance and discipline;

E. providing for the proper health, safety, and well-being for their child;

F. developing English language proficiency.

The Board is committed to communicating to parents at a level and in a language they can understand, where practicable.

The Board through this policy directs the establishment of a parent involvement plan by which a school-parent partnership can be established and provided to the parent of each child in the District. The plan must encompass parent participation, through meetings and other forms of communication. The Parental Involvement Plan shall be distributed to all parents and students through publication in the Student Handbook or other suitable means.

The Superintendent shall direct the development of a Parent Involvement Plan for the District (with building/program specific goals as desired) which may include, among others, the following strategies:

A. Hold an annual meeting to inform first time parents of the District parent involvement plan. A positive invitation in language understandable to the parents will be given to explain the District’s commitment and the parent’s right to be involved in the educational process of their child.

B. Provide child’s individual assessment results, reading results, progress reports, report cards, parent conferences.

C. Arrange flexible scheduled parent/teacher conferences and parent requested conferences.

D. Post PTA/PTO meetings, and parent involvement meetings on the District website.

E. Publish District and School Newsletter(s) informing parents about the parent involvement plan and other events at the school(s). This newsletter will also send a positive invitation to parents to participate in various activities while providing parents information at a glance about scheduled District and school meetings and activities.

F. Schedule regular meetings at least once monthly to provide parents the opportunity to share concerns and desires, to better improve the school environment and student achievement.

G. Maintain a consistent, District wide effort to communicate regularly with parents.

H. Schedule at least two (2) student conferences annually with the teacher(s) to inform parents of student’s progress.

I. Distribute periodic newsletters from teachers informing parents of upcoming District events and curriculum being taught.

J. Send folders home (each week) to keep parents abreast of individual student progress and maintain open lines of communication (elementary).

K. Make calls, use e-mail letters as needed for teachers and administrators to communicate with parents.

L. Encourage continued positive partnerships involvement throughout the community by staff and administrators.

M. Offer an ongoing reading tutorial program throughout the school year during the day, encouraging parental involvement.

N. Encourage active faculty participation in PTA or PTSO.

O. Have students perform at various functions throughout the community.

P. Encourage parents to serve as a chaperone for class field trips and other school activities.

Q. Provide parenting classes throughout the year.

R. Have school administration and staff provide test data and interpretation meetings to allow parents to ask questions.

S. Provide opportunities for discussions between parents, administrators and staff to address problems and find solutions for students having difficulties, either academically or socially.

T. Use technology to inform homes of various assignments and activities. Utilize the website as available.

U. Place current and accurate announcements on the schools marquis throughout the District.

V. Form a Superintendent's/District Parent Advisory Council to assure parents are involved in an organized, ongoing and timely way, in the planning, review and improvement of the schools Parental Involvement Plan.

Relations with Parents

The Board needs parents to assume and exercise responsibility for their children’s behavior, including the behavior of students who have reached the legal age of majority, but are still supported by the parent. During the school hours, the Board, through its designated administrators, recognizes the responsibility to monitor students’ behavior and, as with academic matters, the importance of cooperation between the school and the parents in matters relating to conduct.

For the benefit of the child, the Board encourages parents to support their child’s career in school by:

A. participating in school functions, organizations and committees;

B. supporting the teachers and the schools in maintaining discipline and a safe and orderly learning environment;

C. requiring their child to observe all school rules and regulations;

D. supporting or enforcing consequences for their child’s willful misbehavior in school;

F. maintaining an active interest in their child’s daily work, monitoring and making it possible for him/her to complete assigned homework by providing a quiet place and suitable conditions for study;

G. reading all communications from the school, signing, and returning them promptly when required;

H. cooperating with the school in attending conferences set up for the exchange of information of their child’s progress in school.

Sec. 1112, 1118 ESEA
M.C.L.A. 380.1294
Adopted 3/21/05

Parent Participation in Title I Programs

View parent involvement policies for our Title I schools

In accordance with the requirement of Section 1118 of Title I, programs supported by Title I funds must be designed and implemented in consultation with parents of the students being served.

The Superintendent shall ensure that the Title I plan contains a written statement of guidelines which has been developed with, approved by, and distributed to parents of participating students. The guidelines shall describe how:

A. the District expects the parents to be involved in the program, including their participation in the development of the plan;

B. meetings will be conducted with parents including provisions for flexible scheduling and whatever assistance the District may be able to provide parents in order to better ensure their attendance at meetings, and for providing information in a language the parents can understand;

C. meetings will include review and explanation of the curriculum, means of assessment, and the proficiency levels students are expected to achieve and maintain;

D. opportunities will be provided for parents to formulate suggestions, interact and share experiences with other parents, and participate appropriately in the decision-making about the program and revisions in the plan;

E. parents will be involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program;

F. information concerning school performance profiles and their child's individual performance will be communicated to parents;

G. parents will be assisted in providing help to their children in achieving the objectives of the program by such means as ensuring regular attendance; monitoring television-watching; providing adequate time and the proper environment for homework; guiding nutritional and health practices; and the like;

H. timely responses will be given to parental questions, concerns, and recommendations;

I. the District will provide coordination, technical assistance and other support necessary to assist Title I schools to develop effective parental participation activities to improve academic achievement;

J. an annual evaluation of the parental involvement plan will be conducted with parents, identifying any barriers to greater parental involvement (such as limited English, limited literacy, economic disadvantage, disability, etc.) and devising strategies to improve parental involvement;

K. the parental involvement plan will be coordinated with other programs, such as Head Start, Reading First, Even Start, Parents as Teachers, and Home Instruction for Preschool Youngsters;

L. other activities will be conducted as appropriate to the plan and State or Federal requirements.

The Superintendent shall also assure that each Title I participating school develops a specific plan, with parental involvement, which:

A. convenes an annual meeting at a convenient time to which parents of participating children are invited to attend to explain the parents rights to be involved and the schools obligations to develop an involvement plan;

B. will devise a flexible meeting schedule and describe assistance to encourage parental involvement, such as child care, transportation, home visits, or similar aid;

C. will involve parents in an organized, on-going and timely way in the development, review and improvement of parent involvement activities;

D. will provide participating students’ parents with:

1. timely information about the Title I programs;

2. an explanation of the curriculum, the forms of academic assessment and the proficiency levels expected;

3. regular meetings, upon request, to make suggestions and receive response regarding their student’s education;

E. develops jointly with parents a school-parent compact which outlines the responsibilities of the school staff, the parents and the student for academic improvement, including:

1. the school’s responsibility to provide high quality curriculum, and instruction in a supportive, effective learning environment;

2. parent’s responsibility for such things as monitoring attendance, homework, extracurricular activities and excessive television watching; volunteering in the classroom;

3. the importance of parent teacher communication on an on-going basis through at least annual parent teacher conferences to discuss achievement and the compact; frequent progress reports to the parents; reasonable access to the staff and opportunities to observe and participate in classroom activities.

20 U.S.C. 6318, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
34 C.F.R. Part 200 et seq.
Adopted 5/95
Revised 9/18/95
Revised 4/14/03

Lunch Menus and Online Lunch Accounts

District lunch menus are available to view online. Google DriveView district lunch menus.

Parents can view their students' lunch account information online. Sign up on our Food Service login screen. Contact 989-358-5020 with questions or more information.

Alpena Career and College Readiness

Alpena Career and College Access Network is a community grant funded project to help prepare kids for future success. Visit for information that will help students to be financially, socially and academically prepared for success after high school. Attaining education and training for future careers is vital for individuals and our community's future.

External LinkACCAN Facebook

External LinkCollege Scholarship Info

Google SlideChoosing a College and Scholarships

Volunteer Form

For information on Guidelines for Student Observers, Student Teachers & Volunteers, please contact the HR Department at 358-5030.

Enroll for Fall!

Visit us at 2373 Gordon Road Monday-Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Caring staff will be available to help register and explain options for your child, including Developmental Kindergarten.

To register, bring a birth certificate, proof of residency, immunization and vision screening.

Call 358-5025 if you need more information, or see the enrollment info page.


Lee Fitzpatrick, Director of Communications
Phone: (989) 358-5043

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